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Windy Acres Programs

Our programming falls into 3 streams.  As you scroll through our different programs you will see that our riding school and therapeutic riding programs are very similar.  This is because we strive to be inclusive, in which individuals in our therapeutic riding stream may ride with individuals from our riding school stream.  It is more important to match individuals so the situation provides the best learning opportunities. 


Windy Acres Stable provides 3 streams of programming


The therapeutic riding program caters to individuals with an identifiable disability



Riding school program caters to individuals without an identifiable disability and who require no modification to programming.



Farm visits are for individuals, families or groups who wish to visit the farm.  

2 hours, up to 6 people for $60 (availability of larger groups)

The facilitator will be onsite to help individuals interact will all the animals and ensure a safe and enjoyable visit


What's the difference and Why

  1. To provide the best programming our instructors need to understand the individual and their needs.

  2. Therapeutic programming requires a medical.  This is a requirement by insurance and ensures that the individual is safe to start riding lessons.

  3. We take more individuals in the therapeutic riding stream than in the riding school stream.

2024 Program Schedule

Our year is divided into 5 sessions.  Each session is 6-7 weeks in length and allows for horses to rest at least one week between sessions.  

For consistency participants in the previous session will be given preference for spots in the following session.  

Winter 2024

Week of March 3 - week of April 14

Registration begins February 1

7 week session includes Good Friday and Easter Monday

Spring 2024

Week of April 28- week of June 9

Registration begins April 1

7 week session includes Victoria Day (May 20)

Summer 2024

Week of July 7 - week of August 18

Registration begins June 1

7 week session including August long weekend


Fall 2024

Week of September 8 - week of October 20

Registration begins August 1

7 week session except for no lessons on Thanksgiving Monday (October 14)

Late Fall 2024

Week of November 3 - week of December 8

Registration begins October 1

6 week session

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